Mary Hock
Worship leader Mary is a UNK graduate in music education and has been a music teacher, choir director, praise band director, and organist for many years. She has served as a worship leader at Spirit of Grace since January 2011, and she is a media assistant at Holdrege High School and works at Bridal Isle. She is married to Dave Dahlgren and has three children and four grandchildren. |
Mary Norman
Administrative Assistant Mary is a graduate of University of Nebraska-Lincoln in family and human development, was born and raised in Phelps County. She likes to say she's a "dyed-in-the-wool" Lutheran who has worked in several ministries, including NeLCM campus ministry, NLOM camp ministry, and church-affiliated care facilities. Mary's passions are knitting and working with children and older adults. She has served at Spirit of Grace since 2011. |